Showtime: A Year In The Life Of [Part 2]

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If you are under the legal age for viewing pornography, you are breaking the law delete this now. This is just an erotic story, with not the slightest element of truth, or fact.

Although it is based on some real people and contains certain factual information. All actions, mannerisms, statements, and events are completely fictitious. Quotes and references that are based on fact are used only for creative purposes and are taken completely out of context. This is NOT to be taken seriously.

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“It’s just a fantasy. It’s not the real thing.” – Billy Joel

SHOWTIME – A Year In The Life Part 2

By Anonymous

(celeb, mf, ff, Fm, oral, anal, bondage, gangbang, molestation, tease, violence)

Starring; Bridget Fonda, Alyssa Milano, Winona Ryder, Jennie Garth, Sarah Michelle Geller, Jennifer-Love Hewitt,

Supporting Cast; Holly-Marie Combs, Shannen Dorherty,

The original Showtime-To Catch a Falling Star in ten parts is available at

“Where’s Gwyneth?” Steve asked Winona, as he scanned the headlines of the March 17, 2000 LA Times. “She’s picking up some stuff.” Winona replied equally casually, while cuddling Katrina Alyssa.

He wanted to ask Winona how she was doing, but thought it better that he find out from Bridget later, if she choose to tell him. Winona had been having some problems with her boyfriend Matt lately. First there was a rumor that a financial guru she had invested with on Matt’s recommendation, was in fact a con artist, and was soon going to be indicted. If this was true she stood to loose a lot of money, Steve had cautioned her before hand but so many of her friends had invested as well she was fairly confident he was legit. Besides Matt had put a bit of his own money in too. Steve was currently helping the NY Stock Exchange Securities Commission investigate investor Dana Giachettio, on behalf of another client.

But lately Winona got the feeling things weren’t going well between them, Matt wasn’t phoning her as often when he was away, and he seemed preoccupied when he did. Even when they were together it she could tell that he wasn’t, he was a lousy actor.

The little tike squealed excitedly as Winona plucked her out of the swing. “Well I’ll be going.” He nodded as he gave Cali a pat on the head. “Be good for Mommy now.” He said in a serious tone. Bridget gave her husband a firm deep hungry farewell kiss. “Mmmmhh! Later.” She mumbled as he kissed his other daughter. “Later Babe.” He bid kissing Winona. “Oh grow up!” She grimaced pushing his hand away from her chest. “Don’t forget to take the DVD!” Bridget yelled after him. “Okie dokie.” He sang out. “You know, I think we’ve created a monster.” Winona nodded.

Bridget let out a heavy sigh it wasn’t easy watching the man you loved running off to another women. “Don’t fret.” Her lover comforted. “He loves you so very much.” Bridget smiled but her eyes revealed her insecurities. “That’s why he sent me flowers on your first anniversary.” Winona whispered.

“He did that?” She asked not really concerned to learn her husband had sent flowers to her own lover, but more curious as to why. After all Steve always sent flowers to the others, mostly on birthdays and special occasions, but on their own wedding anniversary? “He said it was to thank me for letting him have you.” Winona explained. Reflecting on her friend’s words. “You just wanted to get Matt.” Bridget accused.

The love he had for his wife and children was limitless in the extreme. Yet no matter how much that was, there was no ignoring the deep-seated emotions he still had for Alyssa. Though in a way it made him love Bridget all the more, or was it appreciate? How she understood her husband’s love for another woman, and continued to return his affections.

He remembered how he felt when Alyssa told him she was getting married. It was a mixture of sadness, joy coated with anger. She had a whirlwind engagement even for Hollywood standards, a mere seven months from meeting to wedding.

Alyssa knew Steve disapproved of her new man, he thought they where incompatible in terms of long-range goals, and he resented the fact that she made more money than him.

Alyssa thought he was being hypocritical when it came to money and was upset that she had found someone else so quickly after he and Bridget had gotten married.

He in turn accused her of being jealous that he had not asked her to marry him. Steve regretted his words even as he was saying them. Alyssa’s eyes stabbed him in the soul of his heart. “Why can’t you just be happy for me!” She yelled. “Because I love you!” He shouted.

Well it put a dent in their relationship right up until just before her birthday. Alyssa summoned up the courage to call and tell him she was getting married on New Years day.

It was like being dragged behind an elephant on short rope for both of them. Steve pulled his heart out of his stomach and gave them his blessing, which Alyssa graciously accepted. On the downside when she came over and told them that she was getting separated, Steve seemed genuinely sorry, sharing her pain, as did all her family.

Pulling into the driveway he got out without remembering the drive over. Alyssa’s house was huge a two story white cement and glass structure in the Cold Water Canyon area north of L.A. Knocking on the door he could hear her dogs announcing his arrival, “Woof, Woof, Woof!” Someone approached the door, “Down! Tipper!”

The door opened to a charmingly petite brunette, with whom Steve was well acquainted. “Oh it’s you.” She remarked in a casual voice. “What are you doing here?” She asked quizzically as he was admitted. “I just had to see you.” He commented pecking her on the cheek. The two dogs Hugo and Tipper jumped around his legs hoping for a rub on the head at least. “You really shouldn’t be here.” The small brunette continued as she led him down the hall towards the kitchen.

“I know, but I couldn’t help myself.” She smiled at his out pouring. “I can’t live without you my love, I need you.” Turning quickly her hair flicking out. “Go on.” Steve wetted his lips. “I worship the ground you walk on, I long for your touch, smell, the soft sound of your voice in my ears.” He put out his arms begging her. “Oh please I’ll give up everything for you, we can move away and start all over again!” Steve sank to his knees crawling after her. “I can’t go on without you! Just say YES!” Looking down upon his pathetic figure, the young actress crossed her arms over her chest. “You’d give up your job, and family for me?” He nodded eagerly with his hands clasped in prayer. “A million times yes, I’d crawl ten miles through broken glass for you, I’d run naked across the Brooklyn Bridge in February, and I would storm the gates of Hell with a Super Soaker for your love. Just tell me I can worship you P-L-EEEEEEEEESE!”

She turned to her pal who was sitting at the kitchen table. “Think I should give him a chance?” Her friend just giggled stubbing her cigarette out in the ashtray. “Nah, he’s cute, but no backbone.” He got up smiling as he brushed his pants down. “That has got to be the worst performance I have ever seen, in my entire career.” Holly-Marie grinned giving him a hug. “I said I could sing, didn’t say I could act.” He rebuked. “Why don’t you come on over here and prove it.” Alyssa challenged in slightly higher tone than usual.

There in a cozy well-lit kitchen was a sight that always made his blood flow a little faster, a few degrees warmer. Truly a face that could make a criminal harden, she smiled broadly masking the pain stabbing at her heart. She was dressed in pair black Levis 501’s and a light violet long sleeved wool sweater. “Yeah Steve lets see if your mouth can cash that cheque.” Holly badgered turning up the radio a notch.

Walking over to where she sat he opened his arms. Standing up to her full five-feet two inches, she immersed herself in his comfort zone. For a moment they felt a fleeting quantum singularity, forgetting there was another person in the room. “How are you?” He whispered. She had been crying her eyes red and slightly puffy. “I’m just great.” She chirped as his arms closed behind her. A strange English accent seemed to come from his mouth.

Come stop your cry-ing it will be al-right

Just take my hand …hold it tight.

I will protect you…from all around you.

I will be here… don’t you cry.

Alyssa buried her head in his chest like so many times before. Steve pulled her up off the floor letting her chin slide onto his shoulder as they turned on a dime. Alyssa’s fingers gently stroking the back of his head, as Holly watched from the doorway.

For one so small…you seem so strong.

My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm.

This bond between us …can’t be broken

I will be here… don’t you cry.

The wetness of her tears trickled down his own cheek as she emptied the last of her emotional reservoir all over his shoulder, stinging his cheek with her tears. Her sacred vessel had been dashed against the rocks of irreconcilability, sunk with all of her aspirations and dreams. Alyssa’s own personal Titanic now lay broken at the bottom of her heart, in a vast ocean of despair. And while Steve had to admit he was glad it was over, he almost, almost, wished it wasn’t. The scars it would leave on both of them would be indelible in the future. Yet even now in this tragic moment he couldn’t help thinking. How wonderful it felt to hold her again.

Cause you’ll be in my heart …

Yes, you’ll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and for-ever more …

You’ll be in my heart

No mat-ter what they say

You’ll be here

in my heart always

Always …

Holly lowered the volume as the song faded. “That was beautiful.” She wept. “Now Jane unlock you’re legs from around Tarzan’s waist.” Steve turned his head so he could see Holly. “Could just leave us alone for ten minutes?” Holly came towards them. “If I leave the room for even two minutes, then I’d have to call the Fire Department to come and pry you two apart.” Alyssa snuck in a quick deliciously taboo kiss, and hopped down. “Thanks Lyssa now I can cancel my chiropractors appointment this week.” Ignoring his jest she bent down and picked up a coin from the floor.

Alyssa was never one to mope around, or let her troubles bother others. “How are the wife and family?” She countered. “Fine.” He nodded. “Katrina Alyssa tattooed her sister this week with a magic marker.” Alyssa laughed, “Like Godmother, like daughter. I’ll take her to my artist on her sixteenth birthday.” Steve frowned. “Oh Bridget asked me to give you this DVD, you girls really going to watch that tonight?” Alyssa took the disc. “Yep! It’ll to set the mood.” Steve rolled his eyes the DVD was his own wife’s movie “Single White Female.” Even though it was one of his favorites, due to the gratuitous nudity and violence. Bridget wants you to come over for a visit.” She nodded.

Like a well-trained waiter he presented her with a white bakery box. “And this from Bridget and I for tonight’s festivities.” Holly took the box and opened the lid. “The Dessert of Doom.” She cursed, tilting the box so Alyssa could see bowl of chocolate moose. It was Steve’s signature dish, made of alternating layers of chocolate, cherries, whipped cream and topped with slices of kiwi and strawberries. “Well now I know I’m divorced.” Alyssa chucked.

Steve got into making the dish when other celebrities got divorced, sort of as a pain- killer. He made the first one for Demi Moore, then another for Lauren Holly. Its reputation was becoming so infamous he didn’t dare make one for Bridget.

“Do you want some coffee Steve?” Holly asked as the two separated. He nodded in anticipation. “It’s over there on the counter.” She smiled nodding at the appliance. He feigned disappointment. “Wouldn’t want you girls to spoil me.” Holly-Marie walked by and gave him a hip check, “We do.” He watched her cute little butt wiggle as she went past him to sit with her girlfriend. Holly was dressed in a plain cream-colored long sleeved shirt and a pair of gray cotton pants, the type that had the zipper down the backside. Steve loved those pants it gave him easier access and allowed him the dominant position. As a matter of a fact he had given each one of his girls a pair for Christmas as part of an outfit. They were not amused with his sense of humor.

Holly-Marie Combs had been Alyssa’s rock through out this whole messy episode of her life. At first she was actually happy that her lover had found a man to marry. Perhaps in the hope that Alyssa would succeed where she herself had failed at finding peace in a long lasting relationship. Then in the short few months it took for Alyssa’s vows to head down the slippery slope of divorce, she leaned heavily on Holly.

Steve for the most part had stayed away. He and Alyssa had made a semi-subconscious decision to keep apart for the first year of their respective marriages. Regardless of their efforts it made little difference in Alyssa’s case. Her dogs Hugo and Tipper settled in under the kitchen table. Hugo was an Alsatian and Alyssa’s trained attack dog, Tipper a much smaller Beagle he was a gift from Steve and Bridget.

He was her ever-faithful bedside companion she named him Tipper because of his annoying habit of knocking over her laundry hamper, and rolling around in her clothes. When he was just a four-month-old puppy he got his head tangled in one of her bras and went around the house bumping into things. Alyssa came home to find him unconscious under the coffee table. Steve joked that she should wear only the shear type bras from now on. The trio drank coffee while waiting for Alyssa’s now ex-husband to arrive.

She had filed for divorce back in November only eleven months after they got hitched. It was now March all that was left for Cinjun to do was move the rest of his stuff out of Alyssa’s house. Thank God she had had the sense to sign a pre-nup. At first Alyssa was inclined to for go what was a Hollywood standard, convinced it would help in her determination to make the marriage work. Then under pressure from all the others who had gotten divorced, she had her lawyer write one up. It had cost Jennie Garth two and a half million bucks, to get out of her first marriage.

It was simple each person left the marriage with what they came in with, wedding gifts were split along relational lines, or sold and the money divided in half. Each party waived rights to claim on the others earnings, (Well Alyssa’s earnings) and personal gifts would be returned. Alyssa of course kept her house, and other property. Cinjun had moved out five months ago, and was staying at his brother and band mates place.

Steve and Bridget also signed a pre-nuptial agreement, which no one really insisted on but Steve volunteered. Bridget’s lawyer almost died from laughter when he read it, Steve would leave with nothing but the clothes on his back, even most of his salary was predestined to go to his wife, and children. Steve’s lawyer refused to represent him in this matter, and called him whipped. His fiancé wanted him to have his head examined, but he assured her that it was his heart that he had lost. She laughed and then excused herself so she could go puke.

Nor did they have any real problems with heavy work schedules, as Steve was able to rearrange his schedule most of the time. They realized he could delegate responsibility, where as she couldn’t. Even then there was an advantage to being a film actress, which was working only when you wanted to.

When it became public knowledge that she was pregnant, director Sam Raimi of the series Xena and Hercules approached Bridget for a custom made role in his up coming feature “A Simple Plan”, which also starred Bill Paxton and Billy-Bob Thornton, newlywed husband of Angelina Jolie and Oscar winner.

She was to play the wife of Hank played by Bill Paxton, one of three easy-going friends living in rural Minnesota. Together they would discover a plane wreck in nature preserve in the middle of winter. Inside would be a dead pilot and bag containing over four million dollars. It would be decided that one of them would sit on the money until they were sure it was safe to keep it, then divide it up and go their separate ways. The best laid plans of mice and men would not soon last. Bridget would need to be at least eight months pregnant for the first part of the movie. Even though she would have only three scenes and only one was long, it worried Steve greatly.

Bridget was actually looking forward to it. Steve guessed it had something to do with showing off her pregnancy. She said it would be neat to show the kids later on. As a compromise the company shot all the indoor shots of Bridget in LA going to the trouble of designing and building sets, while the rest of the movie was shot on location in Wisconsin.

The other problem was the script that called for his wife to do a nude scene, full frontal, in all her glory and very much pregnant way in the bathroom. The scene also had Bill Paxton in it too close to Bridget for Steve’s comfort. Even Bridget was a bit concerned about the details of the scene, she didn’t want a lot perverts renting the movie for the wrong reasons.

So instead the scene was shot from down the hall twenty feet away. It showed her naked from the side with a bathrobe half on her full belly and breasts exposed. Bill would still have to be kneeling right in front of her. Steve demanded the costume designer make a special flesh colored body stocking for his wife to wear. Even Bridget didn’t want to get that up close and personal, Steve thought there might be hope for her yet.

Bridget remembered coming home one day to find Steve reading the book that the movie was based on by the same title. He had a funny look on his face, “Well what did you think?” She enquired slowly setting her large self on the couch. Her loving mate lowered the book seeing her radiance fill the room. “These sex scenes aren’t in the script are they?” She gave him one of her famous beaming smiles, “Which ones?”

Turning the pages he read aloud. “Straddling him she rested her belly on Hank’s stomach as he entered her.” Steve flipped though the paperback to another marked page. “Climbing up on the piano naked Sarah spread her legs wide. He climbed up after her and they had sex on it’s top.” Not done yet he flipped back to the front of the book reading another quote. “Watching as his pregnant wife came out of the bathroom completely nude but for the towel on her head.”

Bridget tussled his hair teasingly. “We’ll talk to the director about it.” As uncomfortable as he felt Steve was willing to trust her. After all it would be her naked body up there on the silver screen, and he knew she wouldn’t let him make that decision for her. She stiffened a bit grabbing his hand quickly and putting it on her swollen belly. “Ohh! They kicked!” He smiled feeling another thump on his wife’s stomach, as she rubbed the back of his hand.

After giving birth in real life she stayed home for three months while the rest of the movie was filmed and then did her last few non-pregnant scenes at the completion. The only thing Bridget really objected to was when the producer wanted to use her real twins in the movie, for the bit parts where her character was holding her baby after giving birth. Knowing how long scenes could take to get done she opted to use synthetic puppets. It still wasn’t easy the crew often had to wait hours for Bridget to finish breast-feeding, or expressing milk with a double breast pump, since she had brought the twins with her to the studio. “God I feel like a cow. ” She used to joke. But when it was finished she felt it had been a worthwhile experience.

But their marriage hadn’t all been Guns and Roses either, one late night in December Jennie got one of those phone calls that everyone dreads. Her co-star and good friend Jason Priestly had smashed his Porsche 911 into a parked car. He was uninjured but Jennie was angry with him for being so reckless. She even more upset with Steve, since he had gone to a bar with Jason and shouldn’t have let him drive. Then Jason had to reveal that Steve was in the car with him, and had suffered a fractured right arm.

When Bridget found out she went into a rant that would have made Saddam give back Kuwait, after all her husband was supposed to be the older more sensible one. Steve confessed that of the two of them Jason was arguably the more sober that night. He was given a how to act grown up speech, and threatened with rehab. Bridget also kicked him out for a week, so he stayed at the company’s safe house. She only took him back after promising to give up his beloved scotch.

The girls were even more upset with Steve. “Did he hurt his other arm?” Sarah asked when Alyssa called her. “No just the one.” She replied. “Good cause I’m gonna break the other one so he can’t drink anymore.” The slightly older brunette calmed her friend down. “No Sarah he’s learned his lesson, besides if you want to break anything else you’re too late. The other six dwarfs are way ahead of you and there’s only one appendage left, and I don’t think you want to damage that.” Sarah gritted her teeth. “Don’t be so sure.” Steve claimed afterwards it wasn’t out of love but was because he had grown more cultured and acquired a taste for fine California wines.

“Then there was the day the twins were born, don’t even get me started on that one.” Jennie recalls. It’s Sunday afternoon and Bridget starts having contractions seven minutes apart. No biggie her mother drives her to the hospital and she calls Steve on the way there. Where is he? He’s a hundred yard stroke from the 18th hole on Beverly Hills Golf Club. “Okay, I’ll meet you there in thirty minutes.” He say’s. Then finishes his game birdying the hole and coming in one under par.

But something funny happens on the way through the clubhouse. In the change room his partners tell everyone that his wife Bridget Fonda is on her way to the hospital to give birth to their now known twins. The other members who just happen to be mostly doctors although mainly plastic surgeons, start asking details, when they find out the contractions are still over five minutes a part they convince the about to be nervous father that he has plenty of time to get to the hospital.

Tradition calls for a round of drinks, Steve weakly bows to peer pressure after all they are doctors they should know right. It would be a couple of hours before her contractions were five minutes apart, and hours after that before her water breaks. So there’s time for a quick drink or two, right. A couple of drinks and two hours later his cell phone rings, it’s Winona wondering where the hell he is. Bridget’s contractions are now three minutes apart the sound of his wife huffing through her contractions in the background makes Steve realize how long he has been drinking.

He tells Winona he’s on his way, but unfortunately has no idea how he is going to get there in his celebratory condition. Luckily Winona has already for seen this problem and sent an employee over to fetch him. Sandy walks in a few minutes later, a trusted senior official of Steve’s company wades into male sanctuary and politely collects her charge. Although she works for him her loyalties are firmly to the owners, as they leave one of the young Slicers shouts out, “Hey Colt is she the next one?” The room erupts with Cro-Magnon grunting.

Sandy manages to deliver Steve to the hospital just in time for Bridget to reach the ten-centimeter dilation. By this stage she’s screaming for her husband, to burn in hell. Steve makes his way past the icy cold stares of Winona, Jennie, Heather, and Alyssa into the delivery room. Bridget’s Dad just gives him a, “Glad I’m not in your shoes look.” For the next two hours as his wife under goes such pain that no man could ever withstand, Steve is right by her side also in agony as Bridget drives her nails deeper into his hand with each passing push until the girls are delivered. The pain from her grip wasn’t bothering Steve, but her screams were killing him.

After the blessed moment is past Steve finds himself forgiven for being late and tipsy. But the girls take their revenge two months later when they convince Steve to have some of his sperm frozen at a fertility clinic. Just in case something should happen to him. (Laugh evilly here.)

He was to find out exactly what a few months later when Bridget with a little help from her friends persuades her loving husband to under go a simple routine vasectomy. Steve is as resistant to the idea as a coke addict to a detox center. But reasoning, coercion, and threats give way to submitting. After all they couldn’t have any accidents now, could they.

He was shocked to discover they had set him up with to a woman doctor, a Beverly McFadden. The name sounded familiar but he couldn’t quite place it. Bridget escorted him to the doctor’s office like a prisoner out on a day pass. For the first time he was uncomfortable being naked in the presence of a women. After an initial and though examination she pronounced him very healthy, and explained how simple the procedure would be, a quick local anesthetic, snip, snip and a couple of stitches.

Bridget held his hand while he almost passed out right there, and then. Nevertheless he reluctantly went through with it and walked very carefully for days afterwards. The hardest part was abstaining from sex for two weeks, which was very hard on him. Bridget was taking the laundry out of the dryer one evening, when Steve approached her from behind. “Holy fuck! Someone’s feeling a much better.” Her voice echoed inside the machine. “Hey at least let me get out of the dryer!”

What really got him to have the operation was the day he arrived home to find Bridget nursing the twins, and the other six hanging around the house looking lovely as usual and very pregnant. The had borrowed some sympathy vests which were padded aprons worn under the clothes giving them all the appearance of being nine months pregnant. Coming into the house was a shock it was bad enough to see Winona and Sarah basking in the glow of maternity.

But what hit him like a dip in Lake Erie during mid February was the sight of Jennifer and Alyssa sitting on the porch with their hands on their stomachs. He half expected them to go into labor any minute. Seeing Jennifer in such a condition was disturbing enough, but the thought of Alyssa carrying his child was mind blowing. He knew she would want to keep the baby, how could he ask Bridget to accept that and still be his wife.

He almost fainted a minute later when Natalie Portman came into the room also looking quite motherly. As it turned out she was getting some practical experience for her new movie “Where the Heart Is”, where she would play a pregnant teenage, and the rest of them thought it would be fun to do the same. Nat asked what the hardest part about breast-feeding was while watching Bridget nursing the two babies simultaneously.

Heather and Jennie who were helping her balance the twins looked over at the astute young actress. “Keeping your husband away.” They answered in tandem. Steve just happened to be passing by the room when he heard the sounds of females giggling.

Looking in he saw it was feeding time again. “Am I missing something?” He inquired delicately. The girls looked back at him. “You sure are.” Heather quipped, which only sent them into a new round of laughs. Most men would know it was not a good place for them and hastily retreat. But when it came to being humiliated by the opposite sex Steve was a glutton for punishment, and tonight was no different.

“Hey Steve maybe you can settle an argument for us.” Jennie asked with a twinkle in her eye. Like a deer caught in the headlights Steve nodded carefully. Bridget saw where Jennie was going and shook her head silently. “I think breast milk has a sour taste to it, while Heather seems to think its more sweet. What’s your opinion?” Natalie looked on with interest not yet realizing the impact of the question.

As usual in these situations the answer was half way out of Bridget’s husbands mouth before he got it. “Well I think it tastes a bit more…” Steve’s face reddened in front of Natalie. He looked at his wife who just rolled her eyes in disgust. “I-I thought you said the best milk… ” He tried to cover his track weakly.

“Hey Bridget does he call you Mommy when you feed him.” Heather taunted. Bridget shot her a look of spite. “Do you cut his meat for him to?” Winona chuckled adding fuel to the fire.

He ignored their barbs and sat down in a recliner drinking his decaff, opening up the newspaper, listening to the sounds of his two young-uns suckling milk from his wife’s bosom, the girls carrying on their conversation. “You know what’s really hard about this role is my inexperience.” Natalie complained. “I mean I’m eighteen years old and I’m still a virgin!”

The others jumped at the sound of coffee spurting from between Steve’s lips hitting the paper.” Bridget looked up from the twins. “You okay dear?” Her husband choking on his own bile held the paper to one side and nodded emphatically.

The others suppressed the urge to laugh. “Don’t be in a rush to part with it Nat, once it’s gone you’ll never have the moment again.” Winona took a cloth from Bridget’s shoulder and dabbed the front of his shirt. Leaning closer she whispered in his ear. “Not a chance.” Steve just sat there trying to look as innocent as Natalie.

“Heck I’ve never even had oral sex, or kissed another girl.” She continued treading into uncharted waters. “Ooohh Gawd!!” Steve yelped turning the page. “Would you look at that, Soya beans are down again.” He added. “Steve has this thing for tofu.” Alyssa commented to Natalie.

“What’s it like Sarah? If you don’t mind me asking.” Out of all of them Sarah was the only one who had kissed a girl on screen. Pretending to think for a moment she came up with a parallel. “Well it’s different than kissing a guy.” She recalled. “Kissing a guy is like biting into an apple. It’s hard on the surface they’re all teeth, and kind of sour tasting. Now kissing a girl is like biting into a peach, softer, not as much teeth, more lips and definitely sweeter.”

Natalie leaned back. “Mmph, sounds nice. Maybe I’ll should give it a try sometime?” Winona put her arm around the novice, “How a bout now?” Natalie gave her a funny look until she realized her idol was serious. “Gosh Winona!”

“What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll like it?” Bridget said upping the stakes. “I-I…”

The young queen stuttered. They were friends, but she not that close except to Winona.

“Alright who here has tongued a sister before?” Sarah asked the assembly. Natalie was a bit surprised when every hand in the room went up except for hers and Bridget’s who at the moment had her hands full.

“Not you Steve.” Sarah said shaking her head as he quietly lowered his hand. Then Natalie considered it wasn’t all that unusual for them to have experimented with lesbianism at sometime in the past. After all she had wondered what it was like often enough, but never had the courage to try it.

“Well okay.” She agreed wanting to be one of the gang. “But what about him?” They all looked over to where Steve was hiding behind the financial section, his ears burning with anticipation. “Oh don’t worry about him a when he gets into his paper nothing short of a 7.5 on the Richter scale get his attention.” Heather waved.

To prove it she pulled her arm into her blouse and unsnapped her bra, which Heather then pulled out through the opposite sleeve. Twirling the white lacy garment around her head she tossed it over Steve’s paper. Just as quickly it came back without a word. “See what I mean.”

Normally trying to get her lingerie back from him was like trying to get an infant away from a pit bull. Trying to get Jennifer’s underwear back from Steve was like trying to get an infant back from a social worker. Whenever Bridget found a pair of what she called panties of the week in her husbands coat pocket. She would just put them aside and wait for the owner to collect them. Which they always did, not even they could afford to loose that much underwear.

Natalie pressed herself back into the couch. “So what do I do?” Winona told her to just relax and go with her feelings as the older star hovered over her friend. The others sat back and watched the initiation. Natalie didn’t even notice the newspaper slowly being lowered as a pair of beady little eyes peaked over the top, as she was pushed back into the sofa feeling Winona’s lips brush lightly against her own.

Nat parted her lips beaconing Winona’s tongue to enter as they held each other. “She’s really getting into this.” Jennie whispered to no one in particular. Nat’s hands held Winona’s head as her tongue liberated her old preconceptions of right and wrong.

It was the best kiss she had ever been given, Natalie responded with vigor thrusting her own pink taste buds wanting to explore Winona’s hot wet cavern.

Bridget watched her lover collecting another trophy, trying not to feel jealous. Steve’s paper began to rustle as he too had certain envious emotions. The others sat there watching like a pod of beached whales, as Natalie drew Winona in closer to her their lips sealed together as they fellated each other’s tongues. Only the vests they wore prevented more intimate body contact, the lack of oxygen soon made them separate.

Winona opened her eyes as Nat was lifted from a dream like state. She was smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. “Mmmmhh!! That was incredible, you were right Sarah, definitely peachy.” Winona was pleased, “See I told you you’d like it, and the best thing is you can’t get pregnant.” The room rolled in laughter, except for Steve who was back to hiding behind his paper.

He still remembers the first time they showed how him their true colors. It was a Friday afternoon Steve had taken it off early to go to the bank and get ready for a Friday night’s poker game. It was only once a month and the stakes were small to keep it friendly.

Steve had stopped of at the KOA safe house just around the corner from MGM studios to change clothes. Inside he was hardly surprised to find Heather, Winona, hanging out there with Holly and Shannen who were as close as friends as one could get without being in the group. The girls were making a pee stop before going shopping. “Going tear some plastic eh?” He quipped. Winona looked up from the mirror where she was adjusting her hair comb. “Watch it, or we’ll tear you.”

Glancing at his watch he saw he had a couple of hours to kill before picking up the wife, and the girls were looking especially radiant this afternoon. “Well how about making my day?” He whispered in her ear as she stood next to him drinking a kiwi papaya juice. Holly smiled at him seeing the sly grin on his face while she talked on the phone. Heather had just come into the living room from upstairs to see Winona give Steve a look of disgust.

“Come on I’m playing poker tonight, you guys might bring me luck.” The girls heads turned at the mention of poker, they all thought the same thing. Holly hung up the phone, “I don’t think you can handle all four of us.” She challenged. Steve looked over her taunt tight figure. “You let me worry about that.” This was like winning the lottery, getting three of his concubines together was next to impossible, but four was a gift from the Gods. He linked his arm through Shannen’s and guided the sultry star upstairs the others followed whispering to each other.

In the bedroom Shannen lay him down on the bed carefully as a newborn, looking him in the eyes as she lovingly stripped off his clothes, as she straddled his submissive figure. Steve for his part unbuttoned the shear cotton blouse she wore and popped open the front of her black lacy push-up bra, feeling elated as her breasts tumbled into view.

Silently the others gathered around him on the bed clearing away his clothes and preparing for his entrance into Nirvana. They shared a deep kiss as the girls pulled his arms away from her body. He was unaware of his predicament until the belts were tightly tied about his wrists and ankles. “Hey what?” Steve was slightly surprised more than alarmed he knew they’d never do anything to harm him. “Ouuuww kinky, I Like It!” He said giddy with expectation. Holly and Winona peppered little kisses up his arms while Heather standing at the foot of the bed was picking up Steve’s clothes. “Leave those Heather and come ride the wave!” He urged undulating beneath Shannen’s weight the crotch of her panties was rubbing against his already stiff rod under her skirt. Steve let out a sigh, it just didn’t get any better than this as Holly and Winona each planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Okay got it.” Heather announced in a non-seductive manner. Steve strained his neck to see her retrieving a white envelope from his jacket. “Hey that’s my float!” He protested as much as a man tied to four-poster bed could. The brunette hopped off the bed and began buttoning up her blouse. “Hey aren’t you getting undressed.” He asked foolishly. Shannen smiled and kissed him on the forehead. “Nope we’re still going shopping.” Heather was divvying up his gambling money amongst her fellow conspirators, slowly it was sinking through the cement. “But…but…” Heather shook her head. “Sorry Baby needs a new pair of shoes.”

He had been had, again. “You can’t do this…” He whined. “Well you wanted us to screw you.” Shannen teased. Instinctively he pulled at his bonds, “Damn, how did four debutantes learn how to tie such good knots?” He wondered. “Okay at least untie me.” Holly accepted her share of the loot. “Oh no…, but if you’re good we’ll be back in a couple of hours and maybe we’ll pick up where we let off. If you’re still up to it.” She giggled flicking the tip of his erection with her finger. “How about now?” He suggested with just the hint of begging. “Sorry sport the stores close soon.” Winona chirped. “Thanks Steve, mighty kind of you.” Shannen grinned waving his cash in one hand. The belts strained against his wrists, how could they do this to him?

“Don’t go anywhere.” Heather smiled closing the door as they left. Hurrying out the front door they could hear Steve screaming obscenities and curses after them. Ten minutes later he lay frustrated and hotter than before his penis still waving semi-erect in the wind. As the next hour went by his thoughts wandered from, “What if the house catches fire, to what was he going to say when his wife found out.” And she would, this was going to go down as one of those stories told for generations, around bowls of hot wax and fondue. His cell phone rang a few times, probably Bridget wondering where he was.

“By God he was going to get them for this.” He swore. Of course he never did, this was just the latest prank in a long string of practical jokes they pulled on one another. It started a while ago Jennie had asked him to paint the hen house at her ranch white, Steve thought the only good chicken was a barbecued one, and he disliked Jennie’s prized rooster even more. But as a favor to her he painted it one weekend while she and her family were in Fresno.

He wasn’t there when she returned, and it was a good thing. Jennie’s friend Tiffany-Amber said, “Jen would have thrown him into the pen with his pants full of chicken feed. The look on her face when she saw her hen house painted red and white with big KFC letters written across the front.” Tiffany shook her head laughing. Steve didn’t take Jennies calls for a week, and she swore revenge to all who would listen. After a month had passed he hired a painter to go around and fix the damage he had done, hoping it would placate Jennies temper.

How wrong he was, a few months ago someone stole his Mercedes SL 500 from the office parking lot. Steve had come out at the end of the day to find is parking space empty. Upon the arrival of the police, the officer while filling out the report urged Steve to try his remote starter, just for the heck of it. There were a few other Mercedes around one of might be his. No one was more surprised than Steve when a sedan lit up like a Christmas tree two rows away.

At first he thought it was a fluke but upon nearing the vehicle he slowly read the front license plate in disbelief. Orange, someone swiped his car taken it to a body shop, and painted it orange, or Sun Kissed orange as the man at the shop told him. The worst of it was he had to wait a week to get an appointment to have it repainted black. Seven days of having to put up with the stares, laughing, and remarks of other motorists. “Hey buddy which way is the parade?” or “Get a good deal on that car did ya?” or “Hey Mom look at the ugly car!”

How they had gotten past his alarm and driven away without damaging the vehicle made him believe it was an inside job. Bridget was conveniently out of the country at the time, and all the other six suspects had airtight alibis. Or course they would have hired someone to do this, short of checking out every auto body shop in LA Steve would never find out who or whom the guilty party was. Now they had done it to him again, what would his wife say this time.

The practical jokes came to an end when Jennies precious white Persian cat got into Steve’s car scratching up the back seat, he came out saw the damage it had done, looking back at the house to see if Jennie was watching he slowly reached for his new putter that was in the front seat. He would have preferred nine-iron but the rest of his clubs were in the trunk. Evilness came over him Jennie would never know, cats ran away all the time.

Adjusting the grip on his club he leaned forward a bit, the cat just lay there on its back fat and happy. His backseat was torn to shreds with bits of foam and leather everywhere.

Strangely it wasn’t hissing at him, it just let out a long loud “Meeeeeeeoooooww!”

It was trying to expel something from between its hind legs. Steve ran back into the house emerging with Jennie and her family minutes later to watch the miracle of birth in the back of Steve’s car.

One by one Jennies cat plopped out five little balls of sticky, smelly, wet fur. Jennie with Peter looking green bundled them up in a basket lined with towels. Unlike Steve he was not present at the birth of his daughter, only being there by cell phone. Steve just sat there whining about his leather interior. Jennie looked over gently rubbing a little black and white kitten. “What are you doing with that golf club?” She noticed he was holding for the first time, Steve became very quite.

A few weeks later Jennie showed up in his office late one night, Steve was on the phone talking with Robert Downey Jr. who was picked up on possession, again. Steve waved and motioned her to sit down. That was if she could in those tight leather pants, set off with a simple white blouse and long black suede coat. “Robert?” She asked as he hung up the phone. “Yep the judge is giving him probation and rehab. If he does it again he goes to jail. Boy celebrities can be such a pain.” Jennie waved him off. “Oh you love this job.” Steve smiled.” Well some parts about it, which bring to mind what are you doing here so late at night.” Jennie got up and walked around to his side of the desk.

“Do you know Laura Lee in the legal department?” She asked quizzically. Steve knew whom Jennie was talking about but just shrugged. Laura was one of the company’s advisory consultants on legal matters. A tad under five-five, and a hundred-fifteen pounds of straight blonde ambition, with a smart mouth, and tight ass to match, she was one of the most lusted after babes on the staff. Not that he ever noticed, “I think I know of her.” He answered in a Swiss tone.

Jennie filled him in with a physical description, which Steve felt did not do her justice. For it left out her, soft sunny hair, dashing white smile, amply firm breasts and killer tight ass. “Oh yes she’s the one who’s been giving me the come hither look lately.” He joked.

Jennie gave him a critical look. Steve heard a noise like a small cry. “What was that sound?” He asked looking around the room. “What was what?” Jennie echoed.

“Anyway, she’s pregnant.” Jennie continued. “I never laid a finger on her.” He backed out. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Steve clasped his hands in front of him. “Okay so what has this to do with me?” Jennie leaned forward a bit. “Daycare, remember this company is suppose to have a subsidized daycare center for employees.” He nodded slowly. “Isn’t that the Office Managers job?” He wondered. “You are the Office Manager.” She reminded him. “Oh I thought my job was to smooze with overpaid, silicone adopted, wet dreams with large egos? Present company excepted.” He added before Jennie took a swipe at him.

Jennie just looking upon him as the lower life form he was. “I want a plan on my desk by the end of this month.” Steve sat up. “Ooooh I like it when you get bossy. Tell me again but this time put your hands on your hips, and say it with a snarl.” She just gave him a look of spite. “I’m serious, end of this month, or I’ll tell the staff to drop their kids in your office.”

“Do you think we can get government funding for this?” Jennie sat on his desk. “You’ve got to be joking.” He heard that sound again kind of a high-pitched shrill. “There it is again.” Jennie looked at him like he was losing it. “What about management? Are they eligible too.” He asked hopefully. “I don’t think so.” She answered sarcastically.

Steve gave her his best pity me expression. Jennie moved behind him to soothe his hurt feelings. “What are you doing?” He asked knowingly. “Do I need and excuse?” She replied playfully her hands massaging his shoulders. He leaned forward to accommodate her grasp. “Oh… no.” Her fingers relaxed his neck draining off the tension built up during the day. “Did my baby have tough day?” She asked playfully.

He smiled for the second time that day, as Jennie swiveled his chair around letting his gaze fall directly on her tight leather clad pelvis the soft lusty material clinging to the oh so soft contours of her hips outlining the delicate features between her thighs for his viewing pleasure. Jennies white blouse was semi transparent giving Stave a hazy picture of her white lace bra pressing her breasts together beneath its cups. “Well I could use a little pussy about now.” He leered at up at her, as his left hand cupped Jennie between her legs.

Running her finger under his chin she kissed his lips tasting of butter honey, “Now you close your eyes and I’ll put a nice warm, furry feeling in your hand.” He obeyed in eager anticipation as she un-straddled herself from his grasp. “Will it be wet?” He asked teasingly. “Jennie tried not to laugh, “Well if you squeeze it really good I’m sure it will squirt something into you hand.” Steve’s hand quaked in as he felt a warm furry feeling enter his grasp he felt wetness as something licked at the palm of his hand. “Meeeeoow.”

“You know Jen, I’ve heard it make a lot of different sounds but that has to be a first.” Opening his eyes he saw the small charcoal black kitten Jennie had placed in his hand. “What’s this?” She sat on his desk, “It’s a kitten. I thought you might like one of the litter, this ones name is Shadow. He keeps bringing me field mice from the barn.” It was a habit which Jennie hated since she loved all animals, as her relationship with Steve had proved. Jennie thought she could pawn him off on Steve who also had a ranch. “Gee I’m glad I didn’t ask for a little head.” Steve quipped. Jennie blanched at his crude remark.

Kissing him on the forehead she collected her coat and bounced out the door. “I have to go. Bye Shadow!” The kitten leapt out of his hand, pounced off his desk bounding after her. “Don’t forget to feed the cat.” She reminded. “I won’t.” He moaned staring at the little black ball.

Jennie almost didn’t see Jennifer as they bumped into each other in the doorway. “Hey girl!” The younger one greeted her. Jennie gave her fast kiss and flew out the door. “I’ll call ya. Gotta run Love!” Jennifer entered the office to be greeted by Shadow, who was in the middle of an escape attempt.

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